In an old "Simpsons" episode, Homer laughs hysterically after seeing a short film in which a man gets hit in the groin with a football. Guffawing uncontrollably, he says, "It works on so many levels."
That's how I feel about this ad.
Sorry I couldn't make it the image bigger or clearer. It says: "Who's Lips are These?" It gives you the choices: Tom Hanks. Mel Gibson. Brad Pitt. And there's a picture of Brad Pitt. What's the grand prize for the savant who gets the right answer? Why, a gift certificate to Olive Garden, of course. What else?
Oh, one more thing. When you right click the ad to save it as graphics file, you see that the file name contains the words "Brad Pitt lips."
You almost have to laugh, because the alternative is to acknowledge that we live in a world where an ad like that actually works.
"Who's" planet is this, anyway?
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