Thursday, July 2, 2009

'Fine' Works by 'Excellent' Sign Makers

Sign makers get a lot of grief for their typos. So I try not to add to their woes. But a blog I came across recently is just too fun not to pass along.

It calls itself The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotes and has pictures of some doozies like:
Please "No" Men Inside Ladies Room

(I love the "You know what I mean, nudge, nudge, wink, wink" quality of that one.) And:
Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people. "Dr. Martin Luther King Junior"

(Kind of long for a nickname. I'd have just opted for "Marty.")

Anyway, enjoy!

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Adrian Morgan said...

My brain leaps to the conclusion that to "no" must be some sort of new, slangy, transitive verb. I could speculate on what it might mean, but I'm pretty sure it isn't anything pleasant.

June Casagrande said...

Hmmm. I'd have thought that was more of a men's room thing. Like something Larry Craig would say in a deposition: "Your honor, I had no idea that guy was a 'no man."

Adrian Morgan said...

I still think my theory makes more sense in context. "This is your last warning. If you come in here again I will "no" you. Trust me, you do not wish to be no'd."

Probably something to do with depriving someone of something.

June Casagrande said...

Oh! Now I get it. (I've been too heavily influenced by Beavis and Butthead.)

Adrian Morgan said...

For better or worse, however, there's no chance that it will catch on. There would be too much potential for confusion (most of it intentional) with "to know" in the Biblical sense.

I have to tell you why I'm in a good mood right now - it turns out that I won a prize in a poetry competition! Details on my blog (


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